Anthony Hopkins
(as Prince Richard)
Prince Richard:
I don't care what you offer Philip; I don't care what plans you make. I'll have the Aquitaine, and Alais, and the crown. I'll not give-up one to get the other; I won't trade-off Alais or the Aquitaine *to that walking pustule*! No, your loving son will not.

Anthony Hopkins
(as Prince Richard)

Anthony Hopkins
(as Prince Richard)

Timothy Dalton
(as Philip II)

Anthony Hopkins
(as Prince Richard)
Prince Richard:
You're so deceitful you can't ask for water when you're thirsty. We could tangle spiders in the webs you weave.

Katharine Hepburn
(as Eleanor of Aquitaine)
Prince John:
[rushing in] What's wrong? What's happened?
Eleanor: Richard's getting married.
Prince John: Getting married? Now? He's getting married *now*?
Eleanor: I never cease to marvel at the quickness of your mind.
Eleanor: Richard's getting married.
Prince John: Getting married? Now? He's getting married *now*?
Eleanor: I never cease to marvel at the quickness of your mind.

Jane Merrow
(as Alais)
Princess Alais:
Kings, queens, knights everywhere you look and I'm the only pawn. I haven't got a thing to lose - that makes me dangerous.

Katharine Hepburn
(as Eleanor of Aquitaine)

Peter O'Toole
(as Henry II)
Henry II:
I want no women in my life.
Princess Alais: You're tired.
Henry II: I could have conquered Europe - all of it - but I had women in my life.
Princess Alais: You're tired.
Henry II: I could have conquered Europe - all of it - but I had women in my life.