Marie Windsor
(as Sherry Peatty)
Sherry Peatty:
It isn't fair. I never had anybody but you. Not a real husband. Not even a man. Just a bad joke without a punch line.
Sterling Hayden
(as Johnny Clay)
Johnny Clay:
A friend of mine will be stopping by tomorrow to drop something off for me. He's a cop.
Joe: A cop? That's a funny kind of a friend.
Johnny Clay: Well, he's a funny kind of a cop.
Joe: A cop? That's a funny kind of a friend.
Johnny Clay: Well, he's a funny kind of a cop.
Marie Windsor
(as Sherry Peatty)
Johnny Clay:
Alright sister, that's a mighty pretty head you got on your shoulders. You want to keep it there or start carrying it around in your hands?
Sherry Peatty: Maybe we could compromise and put it on your shoulder. I think that'd be nice, don't you?
Sherry Peatty: Maybe we could compromise and put it on your shoulder. I think that'd be nice, don't you?
Sterling Hayden
(as Johnny Clay)
Johnny Clay:
You like money. You've got a great big dollar sign there where most women have a heart.
Sterling Hayden
(as Johnny Clay)
Johnny Clay:
You'd be killing a horse - that's not first degree murder, in fact it's not murder at all, in fact I don't know what it is.