John Mills

John Mills
(as Father Robinson)

Fritz Robinson: What's that?
Father Robinson: That? Oh, that's a quarantine flag. Warning that there's Black Death aboard.
Ernst Robinson: How did you know that?
Father Robinson: Well *I* do a bit of reading, too, you know.

John Mills

John Mills
(as Father Robinson)

Father Robinson: Don't you sometimes feel that this is the kind of life we were meant to live on this earth? Everything we need, everything, right here, right at our fingertips. You know, if only people could have all this and be satisfied, I don't think there'd be any real problems in the world.

Dorothy McGuire

Dorothy McGuire
(as Mother Robinson)

Father Robinson: First thing we've got to do is to, uh, unload the raft. Then, uh... put up some sort of shelter for the night.
Mother Robinson: No. That's not the first thing.
[kneels down in prayer, and the rest follow suit]

Dorothy McGuire

Dorothy McGuire
(as Mother Robinson)

Father Robinson: The world is full of nice, ordinary little people who live in nice, ordinary little houses on the ground. But didn't you ever dream of a house up on a tree top?
Mother Robinson: No! Mostly I dream of having a house in New Guinea.

Dorothy McGuire

Dorothy McGuire
(as Mother Robinson)

Father Robinson: What did I tell you? Anything we need, the island will produce it for us, even a girl.
Mother Robinson: *A* girl. But we have three sons.

Kevin Corcoran

Kevin Corcoran
(as Francis Robinson)

Francis Robinson: Are we ever going to open these other packages?
Mother Robinson: Those are for Fritz and Ernst.
Francis Robinson: But suppose they don't come back? Suppose they got "et" up?
Father Robinson: Francis, you've had a long day, and it's past your bedtime.
Francis Robinson: But it's Christmas.

Dorothy McGuire

Dorothy McGuire
(as Mother Robinson)

Francis Robinson: You don't have to worry anymore: I got my tiger!
Mother Robinson: [awed] He's got his tiger.

Kevin Corcoran

Kevin Corcoran
(as Francis Robinson)

Francis Robinson: You know those coconut bombs... You don't have to worry about 'em. They work right well!

Tommy Kirk

Tommy Kirk
(as Ernst Robinson)

Ernst Robinson: It's better to use your head than break your back, I always say.

Tommy Kirk

Tommy Kirk
(as Ernst Robinson)

Ernst Robinson: What are you doing?
Fritz Robinson: I'll just take charge of the pistol for a while. I seem to remember it being appropriated before, when someone wanted to go back to the beach.
Ernst Robinson: You give me back my pistol!

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