Edward Platt

Edward Platt
(as Ben Tarbell)

Mrs. Amelia Tarbell: You go get the luggage. Be careful with the fresh eggs. They're wrapped in paper.
Ben Tarbell: Yes, dear.
Mrs. Amelia Tarbell: Oh, and Ben?
Ben Tarbell: Yes, dear?
Mrs. Amelia Tarbell: I want you to write a letter to the president of this railway. There were men smoking in the parlor car. Disgraceful! I've taken his number.
Ben Tarbell: Yes, dear.

Karl Malden

Karl Malden
(as Reverend Paul Ford)

Mrs. Paul Ford: [finding Reverend Ford, head bowed, on his knees in prayer] Paul? Are you alright?
Reverend Ford: Nobody owns a church, no one.

Agnes Moorehead

Agnes Moorehead
(as Mrs. Snow)

Mrs. Tillie Lagerlof: I run a clean kitchen! No shenanigans in here, and you clean up after yourself!

Nancy Olson

Nancy Olson
(as Nancy Furman)

Nancy Furman: Oh, Pollyanna, will you please get into the car? We've simply got to get home!
George Dodds: In a rush?
[George grabs Nancy and kisses her. Nancy pushes him away]
Nancy Furman: Oh! George, stop it! Oh, Pollyanna, you don't know my cousin Fred, do you?
George Dodds: Your cousin Fred?
Nancy Furman: This is Miss Harrington's niece.
Nancy Furman: [pointedly] The one who's come to live with her!
George Dodds: [realizing] Oh! Oh, that one! Well, hello, Pollyanna, how are you?
Pollyanna Whittier: Fine, thank you.
George Dodds: Well, how 'bout this? Running into you after... what's it been, six years? Say, how's your ma and pa?
Nancy Furman: Why, they're just fine.
George Dodds: You know, Pollyanna, I don't take too much to relatives, but this girl was always just like a sister to me. I tell you, I love, love this cousin.
[He kisses Nancy again]
Nancy Furman: Will you cut it out?

