Kim Novak

Kim Novak

Polly the Pistol: Where were you?

Dean Martin

Dean Martin

Zelda Spooner: ...Bobby Darin or Elvis.
Dino: Elvis who?
Zelda Spooner: I suppose you have never heard of the Beatles either.
Dino: Oh sure. And I can sing better that all three of them.
Zelda Spooner: There are four of them!
Dino: Oh, haven't you heard? One of them got his hair caught in his guitar and was electrocuted.
Zelda Spooner: You can make jokes about them but they're young and they're popular, while you...
Dino: What about me?
Zelda Spooner: Let's face it, you are over the hill.
Dino: Sure you do know how to hurt a fellow.

