Dean Martin

Dean Martin

Dino: [on a cabaret stage, pointing to a show girl] Is this a bit of terrific? Heh? Last night she was banging on my door for 45 minutes!
Dino: But I wouldn't let her out.

Dean Martin

Dean Martin

Dino: [on a cabaret stage, pretending to be drunk] I have an amazing mother, you know. She is 85 years old and she don't need no glasses.
Dino: She drinks right out of the bottle.

Dean Martin

Dean Martin

Dino: [responding to an offer to buy the rights for a song] I need another Italian song like a giraffe needs a strep throat.

Dean Martin

Dean Martin

Dino: Did you hear a story about the girl and the lobster?
Orville J. Spooner: No, how's it go?
Dino: Well, this girl was sittin' in a movie house and this guy sat down next to her, and they were sittin' in the dark, and they were watchin' the picture, see? And suddenly she felt somethin' crawling up her leg and
[pinches Polly]
Dino: pinched her!
Polly the Pistol: [jumping] Ouch!
Orville J. Spooner: Go on!
Dino: Then she felt something crawling again and
[pinches Polly]
Dino: pinched her again! She said, "What is the idea, you pinching me?" And he said, "Well, it wasn't me...
Dino: it was my lobster!"
Orville J. Spooner: [laughing] His lobster?
Dino: He explained it. He said, "A friend of mine gave me a live lobster and I said, 'Gee, that's wonderful, I think I'll take it home for dinner!' He said, 'No, it already had dinner...
Dino: why don't you take it to a movie?'"

Dean Martin

Dean Martin

Dino: Now look lady, you may have heard a lot of singers but you ain't heard nothin' sung till you've heard me sung it.

Dean Martin

Dean Martin

Dino: There was the one about this doctor, you see? He was examining a girl's knee and he says, "What's a joint like this doing on a pretty girl like you?"

Dean Martin

Dean Martin

Mack Gray: [congratulating Dino for his act] Great, Dino, you were great. They were rolling in the aisles.
Dino: Why didn't somebody take the dice away?

Ray Walston

Ray Walston

Orville J. Spooner: [reminiscing about his wife's dentist] "Tender gums". That's a hell of a thing to say to a married woman.

Ray Walston

Ray Walston

Orville J. Spooner: If it weren't for Venetian blinds, it'd be curtains for us...

Kim Novak

Kim Novak

Polly the Pistol: Get out of here, I've got a job to do.

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