Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole
(as Simon Dermott)

Nicole Bonnet: I feel like I'm going to faint!
Simon Dermott: Don't, there's no room.

Hugh Griffith

Hugh Griffith
(as Charles Bonnet)

Nicole Bonnet: I keep telling you, Papa, when you sell a fake masterpiece, that is a crime!
Charles Bonnet: But I don't sell them to poor people, only to millionaires.

Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn
(as Nicole)

Nicole Bonnet: I would like to remind you, Mr. Dermott; ours is a business relationship.

Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn
(as Nicole)

Nicole Bonnet: Indian wrestling at a time like this?

Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole
(as Simon Dermott)

Nicole Bonnet: Is this how you normally work, by the mile?
Simon Dermott: I'm thinking. Look at my forehead: all wrinkled!

Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn
(as Nicole)

Nicole Bonnet: Oh dear havens. I'll call you a taxi! And pay for it is that alright!
Simon Dermott: That's fine. However, if the police find my car parked outside your house. It could mean questions. I'm wanted you know.
Nicole Bonnet: Alright, I'll drive you home, is that alright?

Hugh Griffith

Hugh Griffith
(as Charles Bonnet)

Nicole Bonnet: Papa, I caught a burglar!
Charles Bonnet: Of course you did!

Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn
(as Nicole)

Nicole Bonnet: You really are the smuggest and most hateful man.

Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole
(as Simon Dermott)

Nicole Bonnet: Your arm is much better.
Simon Dermott: Oh no no, it hurts, it hurts.
Nicole Bonnet: It's the other arm.
Simon Dermott: The infection is spreading.

Hugh Griffith

Hugh Griffith
(as Charles Bonnet)

Insurance Clerk: By the way sir, would you like to be present at the technical examination?
Nicole Bonnet, Charles Bonnet: Tech-technical examination?

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