Charlie Chan:
Would so much like to see Ameti tomb.
Tom Evans, Archeologist: Tonight?
Charlie Chan: Waiting for tomorrow waste of today.
Tom Evans, Archeologist: Tonight?
Charlie Chan: Waiting for tomorrow waste of today.
Dr. Anton Racine:
You have a theory about this, of course?
Charlie Chan: Theory like mist on eyeglasses - obscures facts.
Dr. Anton Racine: Our local authorities have very clear vision, Mr. Chan.
Charlie Chan: Theory like mist on eyeglasses - obscures facts.
Dr. Anton Racine: Our local authorities have very clear vision, Mr. Chan.
Tom Evans, Archeologist:
[pointing to the hieroglyphs on the tomb wall] The design alternates with the symbols of life and death.
Charlie Chan: Story of man very short.
[alternately pointing to the symbols]
Charlie Chan: Life... death... life... death. Am reminded of ancient sage Confucious
[extending his arms out to suggest length]
Charlie Chan: who write, 'From life to death is reach of man.'
Charlie Chan: Story of man very short.
[alternately pointing to the symbols]
Charlie Chan: Life... death... life... death. Am reminded of ancient sage Confucious
[extending his arms out to suggest length]
Charlie Chan: who write, 'From life to death is reach of man.'
Tom Evans, Archeologist:
She's just making a mountain out of a molehill.
Charlie Chan: Inconspicuous molehill sometimes more important than conspicuous mountain.
Charlie Chan: Inconspicuous molehill sometimes more important than conspicuous mountain.