George Barbier

George Barbier
(as King Adolf XV)

King Adolf XV: So that's what she does, eh? Plays the violin?
Princess Anna: Yes, papa. And in public! Tell me, papa, be frank do all girls like that play the violin?
King Adolf XV: Not necessarily, but I'll tell you one thing: they play!

Miriam Hopkins

Miriam Hopkins
(as Princess Anna)

King Adolf XV: This is unheard of. Flausenthurm without an "h?" Don't they know, in Vienna, how to spell my country?
Princess Anna: It's a deliberate insult, Papa. They're trying to make us feel, just because we've a little country, we shouldn't have so many letters.

Claudette Colbert

Claudette Colbert
(as Franzi)

Franzi: Girls who start with breakfast don't usually end up with supper.

Claudette Colbert

Claudette Colbert
(as Franzi)

Franzi: Jazz up your lingerie!

Miriam Hopkins

Miriam Hopkins
(as Princess Anna)

Princess Anna: I don't know very much about life. I got all my knowledge out of the Royal Encyclopedia. A special edition arranged for Flausenthurm, with all the interesting things left out.

Claudette Colbert

Claudette Colbert
(as Franzi)

Princess Anna: I love him so dearly.
Franzi: I'm just wild about him.
Princess Anna: Isn't he good-looking?
Franzi: Oh, and how!
Princess Anna: That's it exactly! And how! Did you see him in his new uniform?
Franzi: At the wedding? Stunning!
Princess Anna: But to tell you the truth, I like him even better in his dinner-coat.
Franzi: With the straw hat?
Princess Anna: Yes, with the straw hat!
Franzi: Oh, that's nothing. Did you ever see him in... oh, never mind!

Miriam Hopkins

Miriam Hopkins
(as Princess Anna)

Princess Anna: Papa, you may not realize it, but I'm desperate. I'm no longer responsible. I'm capable of anything. If you don't let me have my Lieutenant, do you know what I'm going to do?
King Adolf XV: What?
Princess Anna: I'm going to marry an American!