Anthony Quinn

Anthony Quinn
(as Inuk)

Asiak: [Showing Inuk their newborn baby] It came to pass that a woman brought forth a child.
Inuk: [Not comprehending at first] How so?
[Holds up baby]
Inuk: Someone has seen bear cubs that were better looking
Asiak: He will improve as he grows, but he has everything he needs.Even a name. His name is Papik.
Inuk: How do you know his name is Papik?
Asiak: Because this useless woman likes that name.
Inuk: [laughs and plays with infant and touches its mouth, then suddenly freezes mid-air] Asiak, he has no teeth, You must have broken some taboo!
Asiak: Not to my knowledge!
Inuk: Did we see land animals together with sea animals?
Asiak: [Emphatically] Of course not!How about you breaking some taboo?Perhaps it goes to the white man?
[In reference to missionary that Inuk accidentally killed previously]
Inuk: [after prolonged silence] Maybe