Roger Livesey

Roger Livesey
(as Clive Candy)

Hoppy: I was awfully sorry to hear about your leg.
[Looks down]
Hoppy: Jumping Jehosaphat! They're both there!
Clive Candy: What the hell did you think I was standing on?
Hoppy: They told me in Bloemfontein that they cut off your left leg.
Clive Candy: [Examines leg] Can't have, old boy. I'd have known about it.

Roger Livesey

Roger Livesey
(as Clive Candy)

Clive Candy: The Kaiser spoke - and the Prince of Wales spoke ...
Edith Hunter: Spoke about what?
Clive Candy: Nobody could remember.

Roger Livesey

Roger Livesey
(as Clive Candy)

Clive Candy: Until now, Germany has used her arms with honor.
[pause, smiles]
Clive Candy: I admit he said nothing about her legs.

Roger Livesey

Roger Livesey
(as Clive Candy)

Van Zijl: The Germans know how to make them talk.
Clive Candy: Well if they are, they're cracking. It's a sure sign. Nobody starts to fight foul until he sees he can't win any other way.

John Laurie

John Laurie
(as Murdoch)

Murdoch: Anything wrong, sir?
Clive Candy: Murdoch, the war is over. The Germans have accepted the terms of the armistice; hostilities cease at 10 O'clock. It's nearly that now. Murdoch, do you know what this means?
Murdoch: I do, sir. Peace. We can go home. Everybody can go home.
Clive Candy: For me, Murdoch, it means more than that; it means that right is might after all. The Germans have shelled hospitals, bombed open towns, sunk neutral ships, used poison gas, and we won -- clean fighting, honest soldiering have won. God bless you, Murdoch.
Murdoch: Sir.

Roger Livesey

Roger Livesey
(as Clive Candy)

[repeated line]
Clive Candy: War starts at midnight!