Dr. Milo Craigis:
In 24 hours there will be one shrew left on the island, and he will be dead of starvation. An excellent example of overpopulation.
Thorne Sherman: You know something doctor?
Dr. Milo Craigis: What's that?
Thorne Sherman: I'm not going to worry about overpopulation just yet
[Kisses Ann, Fade Out]
Thorne Sherman: You know something doctor?
Dr. Milo Craigis: What's that?
Thorne Sherman: I'm not going to worry about overpopulation just yet
[Kisses Ann, Fade Out]
[while hiding under oil drums, the refugees are attacked by gigantic shrews]
Thorne Sherman: Don't let their head get under! They'll flip us over!
Thorne Sherman: Don't let their head get under! They'll flip us over!