Anthony Quayle

Anthony Quayle
(as Slade)

Kruger: Tarzan. You talk aways of this Ape Man. We are four. What have we to be afraid of?
Slade: Listen, Kruger, no one's afraid. But don't delude yourself that we're four to one. Tarzan won't come in the front door, you know. He'll just wait down there and pick us off one by one if we're fools enough to give him the chance. Now I'm telling you, all of you, don't help him by destroying yourselves.

Gordon Scott

Gordon Scott
(as Tarzan)

Angie: [after watching a lion kill its prey] How cruel.
Tarzan: He killed for food. Only man kills for its own sake.

Gordon Scott

Gordon Scott
(as Tarzan)

Tarzan: Death is never a pretty sight. We'll see it again before the hunt is over.

Gordon Scott

Gordon Scott
(as Tarzan)

Tarzan: I would have killed Slade a long time ago if not for man's law.

Anthony Quayle

Anthony Quayle
(as Slade)

Toni: What about Tarzan?
Slade: If he's alive, he'll come to me.

Gordon Scott

Gordon Scott
(as Tarzan)

Col. Sangre: The service is about to start. Will you stay?
Tarzan: No, I need no sermon to tell me how I feel about Dr. Quarles.

Anthony Quayle

Anthony Quayle
(as Slade)

[last lines]
Slade: Come on up, Ape Man. Let's see you.