Marie Wilson

Marie Wilson

Jane Stacy: Irma, are you keeping something from me that I should know?
Irma Peterson: Jane, you can beat me, you can torture me, you can rack me on the wheel, you can quarter me into six and a half pieces, but you'll never find out from me that Yvonne, the French actress, is responsible for Steve singing at the Lucky Dollar Club.

James Flavin

James Flavin

Seymour: Hear, hear! I hear there's a call for able-bodied men.
Sheriff: Yeah! Do you know one?
Seymour: I know me! I'm able! I'm a man, and despite what you think, this is a body!
[the crowd in the station laughs]
Sheriff: Sorry, son, I can't take you without your mother's permission.

Marie Wilson

Marie Wilson

Irma Peterson: I miss my mother and father. They were just like parents to me.

John Lund

John Lund

Al: It's a deal, but you got to understand. Miss Yvonne, this has to be a secret between us. As you French say...
[giving her a nudge]
Al: ..."entrepeneur."