Samuel S. Hinds
(as Dr. Aaron Sylvester)
Judge Thaddeus Parks:
How are all your lunies, Aaron?
Dr. Aaron Sylvester: [Dryly] Oh, they're still crazy, or at least I hope so.
Dr. Aaron Sylvester: [Dryly] Oh, they're still crazy, or at least I hope so.
George Brent
(as Emory Muir)
Carol Corliss, aka Clara Colfax:
What about that Grade A milk of human kindness?
Emory Muir: Well. it has been known to sour.
Emory Muir: Well. it has been known to sour.
George Brent
(as Emory Muir)
Carol Corliss, aka Clara Colfax:
You've got the meanest look I've ever seen in a human eye.
Emory Muir: Any yellow in it?
Emory Muir: Any yellow in it?