Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc

Bugs Bunny: [Bugs first sees Gossamer, turns around, makes funny faces and holds up a signs that says "yipe!" in small lettering, and then turns the sign around which says "YIPE!" in large lettering]

Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc

Bugs Bunny: [to Gossamer/Rudolph] Hey, Frankenstein!

Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc

Bugs Bunny: And don't think it hasn't been a little slice of heaven... 'cause it hasn't.

Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc

Bugs Bunny: And so, having disposed of the monster, exit our hero through the front door, stage right, none the worse for his harrowing experience.

Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc

Bugs Bunny: And so, having re-redisposed of the monster, exit our...
[wind-up decoy walks by]
Bugs Bunny: ... he... ro. Mechanical.
[decoy kisses Bugs]
Bugs Bunny: Well, so it's mechanical.
[follows decoy]

Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc

Bugs Bunny: Is there a doctor in the house? Is there a doctor in the house?
Doctor in audience: I'm a doctor!
Bugs Bunny: Eh, what's up, doc?

Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc

Bugs Bunny: Oh, for shame! Just look at your fingernails!
[Rushes off and immediately returns with manicurist's table and equipment and begins to do the monster's nails]
Bugs Bunny: My, I bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day - Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting, I said. The places you must go and the places you must see, my stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people. Now let's dip our patties in the water!
[Dips the monster's hands into two bowls where two mousetraps snap shut on them]

Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc

Bugs: That's the trouble with some dames. Kiss em and they fly apart!

Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc

[Bugs goes up a flight of stairs but the lights aren't on. Gossamer chases after him, but Bugs runs back down the stairs and runs into Gossamer]
Bugs Bunny: Don't go up there! It's dark!