Robert J. Wilke

Robert J. Wilke

Maddox: Tell me, in your wide circle of acquaintances, would there be any rustlers?
Joe Graycoe: Some of my best friends!

George Montgomery

George Montgomery

Bob Andrews: Listen, Steve, I've been wanting to talk to you about the crew.
Steve Patrick: Well, what about 'em.
Bob Andrews: Why didn't you tell me they're all a bunch of gunslingers and outlaws.
Steve Patrick: I didn't think it made any difference to you. It doesn't to me as long as they do their job. How did you find out anyway?
Bob Andrews: They didn't make any secret of it. I heard them talking about it.
Steve Patrick: Oh?
Bob Andrews: Listen, I don't trust them. Suppose you got into some kind of trouble... Indians or rustlers?
Steve Patrick: If anything like that happened here, there is nobody I'd rather have on my side than Lynch and his men. Sure, they are gunmen, but that's the kind of men you need in emergencies.
Bob Andrews: If they stick by you.
Steve Patrick: They'll stick. They're good men. Now just forget the fact that they might once have been outlaws. They're all right.

George Montgomery

George Montgomery

Steve Patrick: I've done enough walking to last me a long time. I'm sure glad a cowboy can do most of work sitting down.

George Montgomery

George Montgomery

Steve Patrick: There are two things that just aren't allowed on cattle drives: women and whiskey.

George Montgomery

George Montgomery

George Lynch: I'm going to keep getting up so you better get your gun. You're going to have to kill me to keep me down.
Steve Patrick: I don't want to kill you, I want to hire you!

Robert J. Wilke

Robert J. Wilke

Old-Timer: If I was twenty years younger...!
Joe Graycoe: You won't live to be twenty seconds older if you keep running off at the mouth!