Lee Patrick

Lee Patrick
(as Elvira Powell)

Elvira Powell: I didn't know what kind of a heel Harper is. She's like a cop I was sweet on once. He had to work guys over for no reason at all, just because it made him feel important. If I'd known I wouldn't have started on you.

Ellen Corby

Ellen Corby
(as Emma Barber)

Emma Barber: That trained seal can sure ask a lot of questions. Who is this Pearl Harbor anyway? What is she, an inmate?

Edith Evanson

Edith Evanson
(as Miss Barker)

Miss Barker: Sign here. I'll skip the mental test, you look normal enough.

Hope Emerson

Hope Emerson
(as Evelyn Harper)

Evelyn Harper: Come on you tramps - line up for Christmas.

Hope Emerson

Hope Emerson
(as Evelyn Harper)

Evelyn Harper: Home sweet home! Just like the big cage in the zoo - only you clean it up instead of the keeper. Bucket and brush is in the corner closet.
Marie Allen: Mrs. Benton said I was going to work in the laundry.
Evelyn Harper: I'm the boss here! Start scrubbin'!
Marie Allen: But Mrs. Benton told me...
Marie Allen: [she sees another inmate signaling her not to talk back] Where do I begin, Mrs. Harper?
Evelyn Harper: Now you're gettin' hip.

Hope Emerson

Hope Emerson
(as Evelyn Harper)

Evelyn Harper: Let's you and me get acquainted honey. You may be a number to others but not to me. Sit down in this chair, it's kinda roomy.

Hope Emerson

Hope Emerson
(as Evelyn Harper)

Evelyn Harper: Line up, you tramps. This ain't no upstairs delicatessen.

Agnes Moorehead

Agnes Moorehead
(as Ruth Benton)

Helen: [referring to a newly paroled Marie Allen] What shall I do with her file?
Ruth Benton: Keep it active. She'll be back.

Eleanor Parker

Eleanor Parker
(as Marie Allen)

Marie Allen: For that forty bucks I heisted I sure got myself an education.

Eleanor Parker

Eleanor Parker
(as Marie Allen)

Marie Allen: Kill her. Kill her. Kill her.

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