Film Quotes from Borderline (1950) (p1) : Classic Movie Hub (CMH)

Roy Roberts

Roy Roberts

Harvey Gumbin: All dames will stay in line as long as the payoff is big enough at the end.

Claire Trevor

Claire Trevor

Johnny McEvoy, aka Johnny Macklin: Don't talk to any strangers.
Madeleine Haley, aka Gladys LaRue: I don't know any strangers

Fred MacMurray

Fred MacMurray

Johnny McEvoy, aka Johnny Macklin: I can also keep my mouth shut in two languages.

Fred MacMurray

Fred MacMurray

Madeleine Haley, aka Gladys LaRue: I'm quitting, Mr. Whittaker.
Whittaker: Quitting, nonsense. You've shown yourself admirably equipped for this assignment. Isn't that right, McEvoy?
Johnny McEvoy, aka Johnny Macklin: She has excellent equipment. And doesn't hesitate to use it.

Fred MacMurray

Fred MacMurray

[Johnny and Madeleine's car is pursued by Ritchie and his thugs]
Madeleine Haley, aka Gladys LaRue: Can't you go faster?
Johnny McEvoy, aka Johnny Macklin: Maybe if I got out and pushed.