Constance Bennett

Constance Bennett

Lorry Evans: Save your wind, save your wind, you might want to go sailing sometime.

Joel McCrea

Joel McCrea

Dan: Is it a good job?
Lorry Evans: Bed of roses.
Dan: Oughta smell good.

Joel McCrea

Joel McCrea

Dan: Oh, I got another treat for ya.
Lorry Evans: What is it?
[Dan slowly closes the door, puts a bowl on the table, pours water in it, takes a hand towel and displays both sides like a magician before tucking it in as a bib, picks up his shaving supplies and starts lathering his face]
Lorry Evans: Say... what is this treat?
Dan: I'm gonna let you watch me shave.
Lorry Evans: You're too good to me.
Dan: Any woman who can get me to shave more than twice a week must have something.

Joel McCrea

Joel McCrea

Dan: Your conversation's more interesting when you keep your mouth shut.

Constance Bennett

Constance Bennett

Minnie: You don't look so bad yourself for a corpse.
Lorry Evans: A corpse!
Minnie: You were supposed to be drown and you don't even look damp.
Lorry Evans: Well, I got myself resurrected.
Minnie: Well, you done a good job while you was at it.
[looking around at Lorry's opulent apartment]
Minnie: Does he own the mint?
Lorry Evans: No, but he's got an option on it.

Constance Bennett

Constance Bennett

[to prison official during release from prison]
Lorry Evans: This is a very nice institution you have here Miss Muncie, but you do cater to a rather low class.