Richard Burton
(as Thomas Becket)
Becket! You are a liar. You are a traitor!
[draws his sword on Becket]
Thomas a Becket: Sheathe your sword, Morville, before you impale your soul upon it!
[draws his sword on Becket]
Thomas a Becket: Sheathe your sword, Morville, before you impale your soul upon it!

Peter O'Toole
(as King Henry II)
Thomas a Becket:
[bleeding after being stabbed] My horse bit me.
King Henry II: Hahaha! It's too funny! My lord here makes us all look silly at the jousts with his fancy horsemanship, he goes to his saddlebags, and gets bitten like a groom. You look quite shaken, little Saxon. Funny, I can't bear the thought of you in pain. All this, just to get me a drink?
King Henry II: Hahaha! It's too funny! My lord here makes us all look silly at the jousts with his fancy horsemanship, he goes to his saddlebags, and gets bitten like a groom. You look quite shaken, little Saxon. Funny, I can't bear the thought of you in pain. All this, just to get me a drink?

Richard Burton
(as Thomas Becket)
Thomas a Becket:
[Looking on in reverence at the Holy Crucifix] I wonder Lord, are you laughing at me.

Peter O'Toole
(as King Henry II)
Thomas a Becket:
[returning the Lord Chancellor's ring] Forgive me.
King Henry II: You give the lions of England back to me like a little boy who doesn't want to play anymore. I would have gone to war with all England's might behind me, and even against England's interests, to defend you, Thomas. I would have given away my life laughingly for you. Only I loved you and you didn't love me. That's the difference.
King Henry II: You give the lions of England back to me like a little boy who doesn't want to play anymore. I would have gone to war with all England's might behind me, and even against England's interests, to defend you, Thomas. I would have given away my life laughingly for you. Only I loved you and you didn't love me. That's the difference.

Richard Burton
(as Thomas Becket)

Peter O'Toole
(as King Henry II)
Thomas a Becket:
England is a ship. The king is captain of the ship.
King Henry II: That's neat. I like that.
King Henry II: That's neat. I like that.

Peter O'Toole
(as King Henry II)
Thomas a Becket:
God rest his soul.
King Henry II: He will, He will. He'll be much more use to God than he ever was to me.
King Henry II: He will, He will. He'll be much more use to God than he ever was to me.

Peter O'Toole
(as King Henry II)
Thomas a Becket:
Honor is a private matter within; it's an idea, and every man has his own version of it.
King Henry II: How gracefully you tell your king to mind his own business.
King Henry II: How gracefully you tell your king to mind his own business.

Richard Burton
(as Thomas Becket)
Thomas a Becket:
Lord Gilbert, Baron of England by the grace of his majesty, King Henry II, seized upon the person of a priest of the Holy Church and unlawfully did hold him in custody. Furthermore, in the presence of Lord Gilbert, and by his command, his men seized upon this priest when he tried to escape and put him to death. This is the sin of murder and sacrilege. In that Lord Gilbert has rendered no act of contrition or repentance, and is at the moment, at liberty in the land, we do, here and now, separate him from the precious body and blood of Christ, and from the society of all Christians. We exclude him from our Holy Mother Church and all her sacraments, in heaven, or on Earth. We declare him excommunicate and anathema. We cast him into the outer darkness. We judge him damned with the devil and his fallen angels and all the reprobate, to eternal fire and everlasting pain!
[slams candle to the ground]
Monks: [chanting] So be it.
[slams candle to the ground]
Monks: [chanting] So be it.