Gilbert Roland

Gilbert Roland

Peso: Do you like me?
Tom Herrera: You're a hero to every kid in the territory. But I never saw much sense in putting a thief on a pedestal.
Peso: I had always hoped that you would follow in my footsteps. But, no, you had to take after your and order!

Gilbert Roland

Gilbert Roland

Peso: There are two things I hate. One is a careless man; the other is a careless woman.

Gilbert Roland

Gilbert Roland

Peso: What's-a matter? You sick?
Nancy Dekker: No, jealous. How do you fight a woman like that?
Peso: The same as you would fight any other fight. Pick your position, keep the wind at your back and shoot to kill.

Gilbert Roland

Gilbert Roland

Tom Herrera: All right, Peso, you can stay.
Peso: Thanks, Tom.
Tom Herrera: But I'll take your guns.
Peso: Oh, there's no reason for that, boy. My guns? Why I'd be chilly without 'em. I might even catch cold.

Barbara Ruick

Barbara Ruick

Tom Herrera: I'm sorry about your father.
Nancy Dekker: He died the way he was born...the way he lived.
Tom Herrera: No tears?
Nancy Dekker: Later.
Tom Herrera: He taught you well, Nancy.
Nancy Dekker: He taught me without teaching. That's the best way.

Glenda Farrell

Glenda Farrell

Fanny Webson: So if you ever get to San Francisco, look us up.
Tom Herrera: I might.
Fanny Webson: We'll have at least a dozen ways for a man to lose his money and enjoy the fact that he lost it.