Anne Francis

Anne Francis
(as Flamingo McManamee)

Flamingo: I've been your wife ever since I knowed what the word meant.

James Cagney

James Cagney
(as Hank Martin)

Verity Wade: It's these folks. They're all so wonderful.
Hank Martin: Well, all folks is wonderful. You just have to know the right place to kick 'em in.
Verity Wade: What?
Hank Martin: Sure. It's like learnin' to play a musical instrument by ear. All you gotta know is what place to push to get what note. Then pretty soon, everybody's dancin' your tune.

James Cagney

James Cagney
(as Hank Martin)

Hank Martin: Brighten up, sweet-face, brighten up, 'cause you married a winner, not a loser!