TCM Celebrates David Niven with 39 Films on Mondays Primetime in October...

David Niven initially became well known -- long before he began making high marks as an actor -- for adding laughter at every gathering he ever attended. It was, in fact, that quick wit of his and his ability to keep people constantly amused that was a major factor in his rise in show business. His comic bent not only served Niven extremely well off screen but also on screen -- and this month TCM will air 39 Niven films, a third of which allow Niven's comedic nature to reign supreme. 

This month's Niven offerings include three movies never before shown on TCM: Elliott Nugent's 1938's Splendor; Guy Hamilton's 1961 The Best of Enemies; and J. Lee Thompson's 1968 Before Winter Comes. Fans can also see Niven's own all-time favorite film and performance (among his own work) on TCM -- the feel-good epic Around the World in 80 Days. 

Niven kept constantly working for 50-plus years in a profession he adored, sometimes playing the lead role, now and then in a secondary part, which he made more interesting simply by being cast in it. He also had the good fortune to make every type of film imaginable -- dramas, musicals, mysteries, adventure epics, war stories, spy tales, historical biographies, horror tales and satire (everything buy westerns). 

Niven's films will air on TCM on Mondays Primetime in October. Films to include Raffles, Bachelor Mother, Wuthering Heights, Dodsworth, The Charge of the Light Brigade, The Prisoner of  Zenda, The Bishop's Wife, Enchantment, My Man Godfrey, Happy Go Lovely, Please Don't Eat the Daisies -- and More!