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Prince of Darkness

Prince of Darkness (1987)

Revenge of the Zombies

Revenge of the Zombies (1943)

Revolt of the Zombies

Revolt of the Zombies (1936)

Scared Stiff

Scared Stiff (1953)

Spooks Run Wild

Spooks Run Wild (1941)

Tales of Terror

Tales of Terror (1962)

Teenage Zombies

Teenage Zombies (1959)

Terror-Creatures from the Grave

Terror-Creatures from the Grav... (1965)


Thriller (1983)

Valley of the Zombies

Valley of the Zombies (1946)

White Zombie

White Zombie (1932)

Zombie 5: Killing Birds

Zombie 5: Killing Birds (1987)

Zombies on Broadway

Zombies on Broadway (1945)