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Continental Divide

Continental Divide (1981)

Corpse Bride

Corpse Bride (2005)


Counter-Espionage (1942)

A Countess from Hong Kong

A Countess from Hong Kong (1967)

The Courtship of Eddie's Father

The Courtship of Eddie's Fathe... (1963)

Cover Girl

Cover Girl (1944)

Crossing Delancey

Crossing Delancey (1988)

The Curse of the Jade Scorpion

The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (2001)

Daddy Who?

Daddy Who? (1999)

The Dancin' Fool

The Dancin' Fool (1920)

Day-Time Wife

Day-Time Wife (1939)

Dear Ruth

Dear Ruth (1947)


Delicious (1931)

Designing Woman

Designing Woman (1957)

Desk Set

Desk Set (1957)

A Dirty Little Business

A Dirty Little Business (1998)

The Divorce of Lady X

The Divorce of Lady X (1938)

Do It for Uncle Manny

Do It for Uncle Manny (2002)

Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb (1965)

Don Juan DeMarco

Don Juan DeMarco (1995)

Double Trouble

Double Trouble (1967)

Double Wedding

Double Wedding (1937)

Down to Earth

Down to Earth (1947)

The Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox

The Duchess and the Dirtwater ... (1976)

The Duchess of Buffalo

The Duchess of Buffalo (1926)