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Heat (1986)


Hide-Out (1934)

Hitman's Run

Hitman's Run (1999)

Honeymoon in Vegas

Honeymoon in Vegas (1992)

Hook, Line and Sinker

Hook, Line and Sinker (1930)

I Died a Thousand Times

I Died a Thousand Times (1955)

It Happened at the World's Fair

It Happened at the World's Fai... (1963)

It's Always Fair Weather

It's Always Fair Weather (1955)

Jerry and Tom

Jerry and Tom (1998)

Johnny Apollo

Johnny Apollo (1940)

Johnny Cool

Johnny Cool (1963)

Johnny Eager

Johnny Eager (1941)

Johnny One-Eye

Johnny One-Eye (1950)

Key Largo

Key Largo (1948)

Killer's Kiss

Killer's Kiss (1955)

Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye

Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (1950)

Knockaround Guys

Knockaround Guys (2002)

The Krays

The Krays (1990)

Lady for a Day

Lady for a Day (1933)


Lansky (1999)

The Last Days of Frankie the Fly

The Last Days of Frankie the F... (1997)

Le deuxieme souffle

Le deuxieme souffle (1966)

Le Doulos

Le Doulos (1962)

Little Caesar

Little Caesar (1931)

The Little Giant

The Little Giant (1933)