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Command Decision

Command Decision (1948)

Concorde Affaire '79

Concorde Affaire '79 (1979)

The Concorde...Airport '79

The Concorde...Airport '79 (1979)

Cone of Silence

Cone of Silence (1960)

The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell

The Court-Martial of Billy Mit... (1955)

The Dam Busters

The Dam Busters (1954)

Danger Flight

Danger Flight (1939)

Dangerous Moonlight

Dangerous Moonlight (1941)

The Dawn Patrol

The Dawn Patrol (1938)

December 7th

December 7th (1943)

The Delta Force

The Delta Force (1986)

Desperate Journey

Desperate Journey (1942)

Die Hard 2

Die Hard 2 (1990)

Die weiße Hölle vom Piz Palü

Die weiße Hölle vom Piz Pal�... (1930)


Dirigible (1931)

The Disappearance of Flight 412

The Disappearance of Flight 41... (1974)

Dive Bomber

Dive Bomber (1941)

Dizzy Pilots

Dizzy Pilots ()

Don't Look Now... We're Being Shot At!

Don't Look Now... We're Being ... (1966)

Dumb Patrol

Dumb Patrol (1964)

The Eagle and the Hawk

The Eagle and the Hawk (1933)

Empire of the Sun

Empire of the Sun (1987)


Fail-Safe (1964)

Falcon Down

Falcon Down (2000)

Falling Hare

Falling Hare (1943)