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Man in the Middle

Man in the Middle (1963)

Man of Conquest

Man of Conquest (1939)

The Man Who Never Was

The Man Who Never Was (1956)

A Man's World

A Man's World (1942)

The Manchurian Candidate

The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

Manila Calling

Manila Calling (1942)

Marcia o Crepa

Marcia o Crepa ()

Marine Raiders

Marine Raiders (1944)

Marriage Is a Private Affair

Marriage Is a Private Affair (1944)

Martyrs of the Alamo

Martyrs of the Alamo (1915)

The Masked Marvel

The Masked Marvel (1943)

The Master Race

The Master Race (1944)

A Matter of Life and Death

A Matter of Life and Death (1946)

McGuire, Go Home!

McGuire, Go Home! (1964)

McHale's Navy Joins the Air Force

McHale's Navy Joins the Air Fo... (1965)

Me and the Colonel

Me and the Colonel (1958)

Medal for the General

Medal for the General (1944)

Men in War

Men in War (1957)

Men Must Fight

Men Must Fight (1933)

Men of the Fighting Lady

Men of the Fighting Lady (1954)

Men Without Women

Men Without Women (1930)

Merrill's Marauders

Merrill's Marauders (1962)

Middle Course

Middle Course (1961)

Millions Like Us

Millions Like Us (1943)

The Miracle of Morgan's Creek

The Miracle of Morgan's Creek (1944)