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Sexton Blake and the Hooded Terror

Sexton Blake and the Hooded Te... (1938)

Shadow of the Cat

Shadow of the Cat (1961)


She (1965)

The She Beast

The She Beast (1966)

The She Creature

The She Creature (1956)

She Devil

She Devil (1957)

She-Wolf of London

She-Wolf of London (1946)

A Shriek in the Night

A Shriek in the Night (1933)

The Shuttered Room

The Shuttered Room (1967)

The Sinister Urge

The Sinister Urge (1961)

Sins of Silence

Sins of Silence ()

The Skeleton Dance

The Skeleton Dance (1929)

The Skull

The Skull (1965)

The Slime People

The Slime People (1962)

The Snow Creature

The Snow Creature (1954)

Something Weird

Something Weird (1967)

The Son of Dr. Jekyll

The Son of Dr. Jekyll (1951)

Son of Dracula

Son of Dracula (1943)

Son of Frankenstein

Son of Frankenstein (1939)

Son of Godzilla

Son of Godzilla (1967)

Son of Kong

Son of Kong (1933)

The Sorcerers

The Sorcerers (1967)

Sound of Horror

Sound of Horror (1964)

Space Invasion of Lapland

Space Invasion of Lapland (1959)

Space Master X-7

Space Master X-7 (1958)