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Chance of a Lifetime

Chance of a Lifetime (1991)

A Chance of Snow

A Chance of Snow (1998)


Chasers (1994)

Choices of the Heart: The Margaret Sanger Story

Choices of the Heart: The Marg... (1995)

The Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree (1996)

The Christmas Wish

The Christmas Wish (1998)

A Civil Action

A Civil Action (1998)


Clifford (1994)


Clockwatchers (1997)

Clowning around

Clowning around (1992)

Company Business

Company Business (1991)


Conagher (1991)

Consenting Adults

Consenting Adults (1992)

The Conspiracy of Fear

The Conspiracy of Fear (1996)

The Continued Adventures of Reptile Man

The Continued Adventures of Re... (1997)

Convict Cowboy

Convict Cowboy (1995)

Cookie's Fortune

Cookie's Fortune (1999)

Corrina, Corrina

Corrina, Corrina (1994)

The Cowboy Way

The Cowboy Way (1994)

Cradle Will Rock

Cradle Will Rock (1999)

Crazy in Alabama

Crazy in Alabama (1999)

Cries from the Heart

Cries from the Heart (1994)


Crimetime (1996)


CrissCross (1992)

Critical Care

Critical Care (1997)