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Heat (1986)

The Money Pit

The Money Pit (1986)

The Best of Times

The Best of Times (1986)

My Chauffeur

My Chauffeur (1986)


Power (1986)

Nobody's Fool

Nobody's Fool (1986)

Slow Burn

Slow Burn (1986)

Nothing in Common

Nothing in Common (1986)

The Last Days of Patton

The Last Days of Patton (1986)

Very Close Quarters

Very Close Quarters (1986)

Beverly Hills Madam

Beverly Hills Madam (1986)

Under the Cherry Moon

Under the Cherry Moon (1986)

The Delta Force

The Delta Force (1986)

Circle of Violence: A Family Drama

Circle of Violence: A Family D... (1986)

Chopping Mall

Chopping Mall (1986)


Ratboy (1986)

My Town

My Town (1986)


Wildcats (1986)

Aurora Encounter

Aurora Encounter (1986)

The Aurora Encounter

The Aurora Encounter (1986)

That's Life!

That's Life! (1986)


Rad (1986)

The Longshot

The Longshot (1986)


Troll (1986)

Lightning the White Stallion

Lightning the White Stallion (1986)