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Sabata (1969)

Sacred Waters

Sacred Waters (1960)

Safe at Home!

Safe at Home! (1962)

Sail a Crooked Ship

Sail a Crooked Ship (1961)

The Sailor from Gibraltar

The Sailor from Gibraltar (1967)

Saintly Sinners

Saintly Sinners (1962)

Salt and Pepper

Salt and Pepper (1968)

Salt in the Wound

Salt in the Wound (1969)

Sam Whiskey

Sam Whiskey (1967)

Sammy Going South

Sammy Going South (1963)

Samson and His Mighty Challenge

Samson and His Mighty Challeng... (1964)

Samson and the 7 Miracles of the World

Samson and the 7 Miracles of t... (1961)

Samurai Assassin

Samurai Assassin (1965)

Samurai Rebellion

Samurai Rebellion (1967)

Samurai Spy

Samurai Spy (1965)

San Ferry Ann

San Ferry Ann (1966)


Sanctuary (1961)

The Sand Pebbles

The Sand Pebbles (1966)

Sandokan the Great

Sandokan the Great (1963)

The Sandpiper

The Sandpiper (1965)

Sands of the Desert

Sands of the Desert (1960)

Sands of the Kalahari

Sands of the Kalahari (1965)

The Sandwich Man

The Sandwich Man (1966)

Sandy the Seal

Sandy the Seal (1969)


Sanjuro (1962)