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Hit Parade of 1941

Hit Parade of 1941 (1940)

Hit Parade of 1943

Hit Parade of 1943 (1943)

Hit Parade of 1947

Hit Parade of 1947 (1947)

Hit the Ice

Hit the Ice (1943)

Hit the Road

Hit the Road (1941)

Hitchhike to Happiness

Hitchhike to Happiness (1945)

Hitler - Dead or Alive

Hitler - Dead or Alive (1942)

The Hitler Gang

The Hitler Gang (1944)

Hitler's Children

Hitler's Children (1943)

Hitler's Madman

Hitler's Madman (1943)

Hockey Homicide

Hockey Homicide (1945)

Hokus Pokus

Hokus Pokus (1949)

Hold Back the Dawn

Hold Back the Dawn (1941)

Hold That Ghost

Hold That Ghost (1941)

Hold That Lion!

Hold That Lion! (1947)

Hold That Woman!

Hold That Woman! (1940)

Hold the Lion, Please

Hold the Lion, Please (1942)

Holiday Affair

Holiday Affair (1949)

Holiday Camp

Holiday Camp (1947)

Holiday in Havana

Holiday in Havana (1949)

Holiday in Mexico

Holiday in Mexico (1946)

Holiday Inn

Holiday Inn (1942)

Hollow Triumph

Hollow Triumph (1948)

Hollywood and Vine

Hollywood and Vine (1945)

Hollywood Barn Dance

Hollywood Barn Dance (1947)