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The Rains Came

The Rains Came (1939)

The Lady's from Kentucky

The Lady's from Kentucky (1939)

Too Dangerous to Live

Too Dangerous to Live (1939)

The Saint in London

The Saint in London (1939)

The Saint Strikes Back

The Saint Strikes Back (1939)

Mr. Moto's Last Warning

Mr. Moto's Last Warning (1939)

5th Ave Girl

5th Ave Girl (1939)


Remember? (1939)

Tarzan Finds a Son!

Tarzan Finds a Son! (1939)

The Human Monster

The Human Monster (1939)

Inspector Hornleigh

Inspector Hornleigh (1939)

The Oklahoma Kid

The Oklahoma Kid (1939)

The Return of Doctor X

The Return of Doctor X (1939)

The Light that Failed

The Light that Failed (1939)

Dick Tracy's G-Men

Dick Tracy's G-Men (1939)

Torture Ship

Torture Ship (1939)

The Lone Ranger Rides Again

The Lone Ranger Rides Again (1939)

The Streets of New York

The Streets of New York (1939)

Scouts to the Rescue

Scouts to the Rescue (1939)

Flying G-Men

Flying G-Men (1939)

The Ice Follies of 1939

The Ice Follies of 1939 (1939)

Yes, My Darling Daughter

Yes, My Darling Daughter (1939)

New Frontier

New Frontier (1939)

The Great Man Votes

The Great Man Votes (1939)

On Trial

On Trial (1939)