Hit the Ice Overview:

Hit the Ice (1943) was a Comedy - Family Film directed by Charles Lamont and Erle C. Kenton and produced by Alex Gottlieb.

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Quotes from

Weejie 'Tubby' McCoy: [moaning] Oh I was shot, somebody stabbed me.

Weejie 'Tubby' McCoy: [trying to get the dog sled team to run] Oatmeal, oatmeal! Cornmeal!... Mush!

Flash Fulton: This bank's been stuck up.
Weejie 'Tubby' McCoy: What've they got to be stuck up for? They're no better than any other bank.

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Facts about

This film was broadcast on cable network AMC on the morning of Sept. 11,2001 about 2 hours before the terrorist attacks.
The film was started by director Erle C. Kenton. However, he and Lou Costello clashed on several occasions, and Kenton was fired and replaced by Charles Lamont.
After completing production, Lou Costello was stricken with rheumatic fever. This would be the last new Abbott and Costello film for more than a year.
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Also directed by Charles Lamont

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Also released in 1943

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