Jack Mann, Robert Levin and Alan Ladd's daughter Alana Ladd were cast in this movie according to 'The Hollywood Reporter'.

The 'Los Angeles Examiner' reported on 7 July 1957 that US Navy Commander Eldon Edwards commanded the USS 'Stephen Potter' for use in this movie.

The 'The New York Times' reported on 7 July 1957 that USS 'Stephen Potter' crew-members Albert D. Peters and George A. Smith were cast in actual parts for this movie.

The meaning and relevance of this movie's title "The Deep Six" is that it is a marine term or American nautical slang. From the 1940s, it referred to the act to toss overboard as in jettisoning cargo. Alternatively, dating from the early 1900s, it could mean a burial at sea, referring to the usual six-foot depth of graves as in six feet under. It initially was a sailor's vocal calling to the ship's command on the bridge that the depth of water was more than six fathoms (11 meters) but not as many as seven fathoms, six fathoms being the minimum legal distance for a burial at sea. Often its use in an expression will be to give or get the deep six or to deep-six.

The USS 'Poe' ship in this film was portrayed by the real-life Fletcher Class destroyer DD-538 USS 'Stephen Potter' for this movie. This vessel was named after World War I naval aviator Ensign Stephen Potter (1896-1918). The ship was chosen because of it was used during the Second World War.

The USS 'Stephen Potter' had its post-World War II enhancements and improvements removed for the making of this film which is set during the Second World War. WW II era gun mounts had to be added to the vessel for authenticity.

This film marks comedian Joey Bishop's feature film debut.

This film's dedication states that the filmmakers " . . . dedicate this picture to the Destroyer Forces of the United States Navy."
