According to Alex Gordon, the film cost $135,000 to make. Allen Connor, then an agent for Wallace Middleton's talent agency, was among those who loaned Gordon the money to get the movie off the ground.
Producer Alex Gordon claimed that the production averaged 50 set-ups per day and on one occasion did 72.
Producer Alex Gordon wanted to hire veterans Frank Lackteen and Edmund Cobb as passersby. The studio objected to the $100 salary for each contending that they were functioning as extras were only entitled to $20. Wanting these old-time actors to get a day's pay, Gordon paid them out of his own pocket.
The film inspired the movie and TV series VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA. It was also remade as an episode of that series.
The trailer for this Allied Artists release played down the science fiction elements and made it look more like a military action film.