Bobby Darin said/sang "that darn cat" 8 times. Patti, said "Darn Cat" as she met Zeke Kelso, once. And Iggy said "that darn cat", as he was being arrested. 'Darn Cat' was said 10 times and Bobbt Darin sang 'darn' along once on opening song. 11 darn was said or sang times, total & darn cat was said or sang 10 times total.

At the drive-in theatre, ticket-taker, Burton was ordered to chase DC, away by the drive-in manager. Burton's chase of DC ended when he fell in a Volkswagen, that had the top roof open with two dummies, one dressed as a male and the other one was dressed as a female.

First Walt Disney film of Dean Jones, who would become a perennial favorite of the studio throughout the balance of the 1960s and 70s.

The FBI's number, to Supervisor Newton's office, was 626-0025.

The movie was Hayley Mills' last for Walt Disney in the 1960s; the remake (That Darn Cat) was likewise Christina Ricci's last Disney role.

The Seal-Point Siamese cats who collectively play the role of DC in this film are all "traditional" Siamese, as opposed to their more streamlined contemporaries. Among fanciers of traditional Siamese, they're affectionately known as "Appleheads".

When Iggy first thinks that he and Dan stole $250,000 from the bank. Dan told him the amount is $160,000. Iggy then went to Margaret Miller, (kidnapped and gagged banker) and asked her. After asking if it is $250,000, she shook her had no. Iggy then asked if it is $200,000 she shook her head no again. Then, when he asked, if it was $160,000, this time she nodded her head, meaning yes.Each amount decreased 20%.80% of $250,000 = $200,000 and 80% of $200,000 is $160,000.