"Lux Radio Theater" broadcast a 60 minute radio adaptation of the movie onOctober 26, 1953 with Esther Williams and Barry Sullivan reprising their film roles.
Esther Williams, in her autobiography ("Million Dollar Mermaid"), describes director Sidney Lanfield a tyrant, who was particularly cruel to Vivian Blaine.
Final feature film of veteran director Sidney Lanfield.
In her autobiography ("Million Dollar Mermaid") Esther Williams asserts that she designed the swimsuits in the film (with the help of Cole of California), after seeing the Navy's swimsuits for women. Esther describes the old ones as "cotton sleeveless T-shirts" that were not at all good for swimming. She spoke to the director of the Navy, who then made the swimsuit the new official swimsuit of the US Navy. She also worked with the writer to add more swimming sequences.