'Kevin Flood', P.G. Stephens and Jack Cunningham were considered for parts

Christopher Rhodes was filming Tiger Bay at the same time

John Breslin was also thought suitable for O'Callaghan (John Cairney) and Laffery (Donal Donnelly)

Although only ever referred to as "The General", Michael Redgrave's character is obviously meant to be Michael Collins. This was often done in Hollywood films - taking liberties with historical events so that revered figures were not tainted by any controversy resulting from artistic license. Another example is In Harm's Way where Henry Fonda is obviously Chester Nimitz but never named as such in the movie or the credits.Like Collins, "The General" personified a realist statesman in the mold of the American "Found Fathers", motivated by his desire for a better future rather than just rage like James Cagney's character. Like Collins, the General agreed to negotiate a treaty with the British to give Ireland (except for Ulster) self-rule within the British Empire (similar to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Newfoundland, and South Africa). Like Collins, he makes the case that it will give them the "freedom to become free" without the need for continued bloodshed.

It took two days to shoot John Breslin's scenes and his fee was £75.
