Based on the play, Angel Island (1937). Comedy-mystery. Written by Bernie Angus. Directed and produced by George Abbott. National Theatre: 20 Oct 1937- Nov 1937 (closing date unknown/21 performances). Cast included: Joyce Arling, Carroll Ashburn, Nigel Blake, Clayton Collyer, Morgan Conway, Alma Dickson, Betty Field, Clyde Fillmore, Arlene Francis, Thomas Graham, David Hoffman, Louise Larabee, Doro Merande, Lea Penman, Maidel Turner, Edith Van Cleve, Eric Wollencott.
The New York World-Telegram reported that the rights to the play this film was based on, had been sold for $30,000. This is highly suspect, given the fact that it became a PRC release, a studio that typically paid writers less than $200 for a final script.