Jean-Luc Godard appropriated both the title character and the actor Eddie Constantine from a popular French series of kiss-kiss-bang-bang films released from 1953 (Poison Ivy) to 1963 (Your Turn, Darling).
Banned in all Pakistan's cinemas: 10th July 1970.
Despite the fact that the film is a work of science fiction and supposed to be in a city of the future, all the sets were existing locations in Paris in 1965, and all the weapons are conventional firearms.
Godard originally wanted Roland Barthes for the role of Professor von Braun.
Inspired the name of the German rock group Alphaville.
Professor von Braun's real name, Leonard Nosferatu, is a tribute to F.W. Murnau's silent film, Nosferatu.
Professors Heckel and Jeckell are named after the cartoon birds "Heckle and Jeckle", created by U.S. animator Paul Terry (of "Terrytoons" fame).
The line by Alpha60 that begins "Time is the substance of which I am made" is paraphrased from the 1946 essay "A New Refutation of Time" by famous Argentinean writer and fantasist Jorge Luis Borges, which reads: "Our destiny is not frightful by being unreal; it is frightful because it is irreversible and iron-clad. Time is the substance I am made of. Time is a river which sweeps me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger which destroys me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire which consumes me, but I am the fire. The world, unfortunately, is real; I, unfortunately, am Borges."
Jean-Pierre Léaud:
makes an uncredited cameo as the hotel clerk who brings breakfast to Lemmy and Natasha at around 68 minutes through the film.