Yul Brynner

Yul Brynner

Audrey Hepburn is the godmother of his daughter Victoria.

A great believer in rituals.

A recording of him explaining how being bald helped him is included in a song by Stephen Malkmus (of Pavement) titled "Jo Jo's Jacket." The first verses are about Brynner and include a reference to Westworld (1973) and The King and I (1956).

According to his son, Yul "Rock" Brynner, "In his youth, Yul Brynner was Jean Cocteau's opium supplier." Empire and Odyssey, p. 141.

Always prepared breakfast while wearing a silk kimono.

Appeared in three different films with Eli Wallach: The Magnificent Seven (1960), Poppies Are Also Flowers (1966) (TV) and Romance of a Horsethief (1971).

Apprentice of Michael Chekhov.

Biography in: "The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives". Volume One, 1981-1985, pages 111-114. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1998.

Brynner married Doris Kleiner on the set during shooting of The Magnificent Seven (1960).

Daughter Victoria Brynner is a successful businesswoman who founded her own company Stardust Visions and Stardust Celebrities in Los Angeles (1992).

Daughter Lark (b. 1958), born out of wedlock and raised by her mother.

Daughter Melody Brynner (adopted 1975, born in Vietnam).

Daughter Mia Brynner (adopted 1974, born in Vietnam).

Daughter Victoria Brynner (b. November 1962 in Switzerland).

Despite numerous resources stating that Brynner was interred at the non-existent "Saint Robert Churchyard at the Monastery of Saint Michael", Brynner actually was buried in the Orthodox cemetery Saint-Michel-du-Bois-Aubry of Luzé, a village 55km from Tours in Touraine, France.

Died the same day as Orson Welles.

Godfather of Charlotte Gainsbourg.

He badly wanted to play the title role in Spartacus (1960) and the role of Rasputin in Nicholas and Alexandra (1971).

He was an accomplished photographer. He took many photos on the sets of the various projects he worked on over the years.

His grandmother, Natalya Kurkotova, was one-eighth Mongolian, the granddaughter of a half-Buryat merchant from Siberia, meaning that Yuli Borisovich Bryner (Yul Brynner) was about 1/32 Mongolian.

