Sorrell Booke

Sorrell Booke

According to John Schneider in the DVD commentary for the first episode of "The Dukes Of Hazzard", Sorrell could speak fluent Japanese. He recounts that in one episode, Booke and guest star Andrew Robinson, whom also spoke Japanese, played a trick on James Best (Sherriff Roscoe P. Coltrane) where they spoke all of their dialog in a scene in Japanese, thus leaving Best confused.

Ex-wife, Miranda, is the daughter of Hubert Renfro (H.R.) Knickerbocker (1898-1949), a Pulitzer prize-winning war correspondent.

Has two children: Alexandra and Nicholas

Was only slightly overweight and had to wear a fat suit to play Boss Hogg on Dukes of Hazzard, making him five feet around.