Robert Woolsey

Robert Woolsey

Comedy partner of Bert Wheeler.

The great comedy team of "Wheeler & Woolsey" are little known in the 21st century, despite their great popularity in the 1930s. One of the reasons likely is the fact that their films were not packaged and sold to television in the 1950s, unlike The Three Stooges and "Laurel & Hardy", who then went on to entertain new generations of fans. Bobby Clark wrote much of the dialogue, and it was very risqué and was considered borderline in the more liberal 1930s (at least prior to the enforcement of the 1934 Production Code). Their shorts were geared towards adults, and even in the 1930s, they were considered vulgar, and thus would have been inappropriate on television in the 1950s as the comedy shorts of the Stooges and Laurel & Hardy were programmed for children.