Julia Meade

Julia Meade

A frequent commercial spokesperson including Kodak, she pitched hair products and appliances on other shows like "Your Hit Parade."

Appeared frequently on stage, including "The Tender Trap" on Broadway.

Becoming a household name on the Ed Sullivan show, Julia appeared weekly in a Motorama format showing off "dream cars of the 50s" like Lincoln and Mercury bedecked in evening dresses and strings of pearls, while describing the cars with perfectly manicured hands running up and down the upholstery. Her husband "Professor" Tom Foldes frequently appeared with her describing the finer points of automobile design.

In 1971 Julia did the first Corrective ad on TV. The Federal Trade Commission accused ITT Continental Baking Company of false advertising as to its product Profile Bread. In the corrective ad Julia stated that Profile Bread had no fewer calories than other Bread, but was sliced thinner.
