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9 People Born On September 28

Pedro de Cordoba


Birthname: Pedro de Cordoba
Born on Sep 28, 1881 in New York City, NY
Died on Sep 16, 1950 in Sunland, CA
Fan Favorite Films: For Whom the Bell Tolls, Captain Blood, A Scandal in Paris, The Garden of Allah and Background to Danger

Maurice Revnes


Birthname: Maurice Revnes
Born on Sep 28, 1890 in New York City, NY
Died in Oct 1985 in unknown, FL
Fan Favorite Films: Suzy, The Awful Truth,

Peter Finch


Birthname: Frederick George Peter Ingle-Finch
Born on Sep 28, 1916 in London, England
Died on Jan 14, 1977 in Beverly Hills, CA
Fan Favorite Films: The Pumpkin Eater, Far from the Madding Crowd, The Miniver Story, Elephant Walk and The Flight of the Phoenix

Arnold Stang


Birthname: Arnold Stang
Born on Sep 28, 1918 in Manhattan, New York City
Died on Dec 20, 2009 in Newton, MA
Fan Favorite Films: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, My Sister Eileen, Dondi, Skidoo and The Man with the Golden Arm

William Windom


Birthname: William Windom
Born on Sep 28, 1923 in New York City, NY
Died on Aug 16, 2012 in Woodacre, CA
Fan Favorite Films: The Gypsy Moths, The Detective, Hour of the Gun, To Kill a Mockingbird and Cattle King

Marcello Mastroianni


Birthname: Marcello Vincenzo Domenico Mastrojanni
Born on Sep 28, 1924 in Fontana Liri, Italy
Died on Dec 19, 1996 in Paris, France
Fan Favorite Films: The Law, The Poppy Is Also a Flower, 8�, Divorce Italian Style and The Children Are Watching Us

Frank Latimore


Birthname: Franklin Latimore Kline
Born on Sep 28, 1925 in Darien, CT
Died on Nov 29, 1998 in London, England
Fan Favorite Films: John Paul Jones, Cast a Giant Shadow, The Gallant Hours, In the Meantime, Darling and The Honey Pot

Brigitte Bardot


Birthname: Brigitte Bardot
Born on Sep 28, 1934 in Paris, France
Fan Favorite Films: Shalako, Helen of Troy, Dear Brigitte, Act of Love and And God Created Wom

Heather Sears


Birthname: Heather Christine Sears
Born on Sep 28, 1935 in Whitechapel, London
Died on Jan 03, 1994 in Hinchley Wood, Esher
Fan Favorite Films: Sons and Lovers, Room at the Top, Touch and Go, The Story of Esther Costello and Dry Rot

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