Win tickets to see “TCM Big Screen Classics: Alien 40th Anniversary” on the Big Screen!
In Select Cinemas Nationwide Sun Oct 13, Tues Oct 15 and Wed Oct 16
“This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.”
CMH continues with our 4th year of our partnership with Fathom Events – with the 12th of our 14 movie ticket giveaways for 2019, courtesy of Fathom Events!
We’ll be giving away EIGHT PAIRS of tickets to see “TCM Big Screen Classics: Alien 40th Anniversary” on the Big Screen — starring Tom Skerritt andSigourney Weaver.
In order to qualify to win a pair of movie tickets via this contest, you must complete the below entry task by Saturday, Sept 28 at 6pm EST.
We will announce the winner(s) on Twitter on Sunday, Sept 29, between 6PM EST and 7PM EST. If a winner(s) does not have a Twitter account, we will announce that winner(s) via this blog in the comment section below.

The film will be playing in select cinemas nationwide for a special two-day-only event on Sunday Oct 13, Tues Oct 15 and Wednesday Oct 16 at select times. Winners will be responsible for their own transportation to the Event. Only United States entries are eligible. Please click here before you enter to ensure that the Event is scheduled at a theater near you and that you are able to attend. (please note that there might be slightly different theater listings and/or screening times for each date)
ENTRY TASK (2-parts) to be completed by Saturday Sept 18 at 6pm EST…
1) Answer the below question via the comment section at the bottom of this blog post
Although not officially a classic-era film, what in your opinion makes “Alien” a classic? And, if you haven’t seen it, why do you want to see it on the Big Screen?
2) Then TWEET* (not DM) the following message:
I just entered to win tickets to see “TCM Big Screen Classics Presents: Alien 40th Anniversary” on the Big Screen courtesy of @ClassicMovieHub & @FathomEvents – you can enter too at
IMPORTANT: If you don’t have a Twitter account OR if your Twitter account is private, you can still enter the contest by simply answering the above question via the comment section at the bottom of this blog — BUT PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ADD THIS VERBIAGE TO YOUR ANSWER: I do not have a Twitter account (or it is private), so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
NOTE: if for any reason you encounter a problem commenting here on this blog, please feel free to tweet or DM us, or send an email to clas… and we will be happy to create the entry for you.
ALSO: Please allow us 48 hours to approve your comments. Sorry about that, but we are being overwhelmed with spam, and must sort through 100s of comments…

About the film: Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Alien! Directed by Ridley Scott, the original sci-fi classic follows Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) investigating a suspected SOS on a remote planet and makes a terrifying discovery. This anniversary event includes exclusive insight from Turner Classic Movies.
Please note that only United States residents are eligible to enter this giveaway contest. (see contest rules for further information)
BlogHub members ARE also eligible to win if they live within the Continental United States (as noted above).
Good Luck!
–Annmarie Gatti for Classic Movie Hub
Wow! It was so cutting edge for its time. A suspense horror film set in space. The jerry Goldsmith score is creepy and a great one too! Great actors like Skerritt, weaver and kotto as well. It’s so memorable and influential as a film too.
I’d love to see it in the theater as I have only seen it on tv via home video.
I saw many of the sequels but this original film was the best one hands down. The sequel goes way into the action for example while this film is much more suspenseful for its payoff.
Hope I win!!
Director Ridley Scott crafted a cross-genre classic when he made “Alien”. Although it wasn’t released in what may be considered the “Classic Film Era”, it is an amazing example of classic film-work, encompassing Sci-Fi (obviously), Mystery, Horror and an Incredible Character Study of Protagonists and an Antagonist in an Impossible situation. I recall seeing Alien in a theater on it’s initial release, but I’d love to let my daughter (who has never seen the film) to experience Alien for the first time the way that I did may years ago.
Although not officially a classic-era film, what in your opinion makes “Alien” a classic? And, if you haven’t seen it, why do you want to see it on the Big Screen?
I saw this movie when it came out, and my brother and I were so scared by the end we were peeking around corners and looking in the back end of my truck to make sure the alien wasn’t waiting for us.
It is a classic in that it has spawned a half-dozen more movies, either stand as part of the series or the cross overs with the Predator series. It was a classic monster movie, with dark, scary sets, guns that fired but couldn’t kill the monster, a machine that told them where the monster was but always too late and it had an alien baby popping out of John Hurt – wow, bigger scare than mom in Psycho, and I want my son (21) to see that on the big screen! – and we also had Tom Skerritt, Veronica Cartwright, Harry Dean Stanton, Ian Holm, and Yaphet Kotto. Sigourney Weaver was a no-BS heroine who took out the monster who had killed the rest of the crew, took out the robot science officer and saved the kitty cat. How much can one woman do in a single movie. We didn’t know what was coming in the movie, just like 1931’s Frankenstein or 1960’s Psycho, and that was classic!
I have seen this movie, its scary, but I think it would be more scarier for me on the big screen
I never was a fan of horror/sci-fi until I saw “Alien”! Frightening, suspenseful and fantastic- the story, the characters, the effects and of course Sigourney Weaver elevate this film to classic stature! One of my favorites.
Weaver and the special effects make this film, well, special.
Alien was so many things. It was sci-fi with its setting in the future in space; it was horror with an alien that progressed, changed, and grew into a monster; it was a last woman standing slasher of sorts, with crew meeting deaths more gruesome than the last, until only Ripley remained; and it was suspense, armrest gripping, popcorn munching suspense. Any film that can be all those things is classic.
ALIEN was the scariest haunted house movie in outer space there ever was! It drew from such Golden Era films as The Old Dark House and The Cat and the Canary to move the killer on the loose to the far reaches of our galaxy.
Even though 1980 seems like yesterday to me, I consider Alien to be a classic film. A haunted house movie in space, this film exudes fear and a dark atmosphere throughout its running time. A great story with terrific character actors (not 20 something models), the film feels like a lived in space, with union squabbles, hatchways that can use some oil, and petty arguments. Like his Blade Runner, Ridley Scott has created a very specific world in which terrors, and cats, go bump in the night.
Along with The Shining, Alien is my favorite horror film.
1979! I had The Shining release date in my head.
There are so many things about this movie that make it a classic: Sigourney Weaver, the effects, great director, and the cat!
*I do not have a Twitter account (or it is private), so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
It’s a classic for the strong character development and cinematography in my opinion. The amazing set design and vistas also make it my favorite film.
Alien is the greatest sci-fi horror of all time. I love that my teenage sons watch it with me again and again. This film set the standard for every sci-fi horror film for me. I watch it multiple times each year with the same enthusiasm and excitement each time. My boys, the same. Think of how many filmmakers must have been inspired by Alien. That’s what I call Classic.
Alien may not be a true “classic” but the way it was filmed was definitely a tribute to classic horror/suspense movies. Never showing the Alien, except for little snippets here and there, all suspense until the moment the chest-burster erupts from John Hurt’s chest. Then the horror begins. One of THE most iconic films ever made.