Silents are Golden: Silent Superstars – The Unique Career of Theda Bara With her pale makeup, thick black hair, and large eyes rimmed heavily with black makeup, she was – and is – one of the most iconic actresses of the silent era. Her image as a screen “vamp” is still fairly well known, read more
Born July 29, 1885 Theda Bara “I have the face of a vampire, but the heart of a feminist.” Silent Screen Siren, Theda Bara, made over 40 films from 1914 through 1926 (all but three from 1914-1919), becoming one of cinema’s earliest sex symbols. With her exotic looks and femme fatal read more
Theda Bara, made movies at a time when audiences thought that the character that the actor played, really was the way the they were real life and found herself a outcast.
She told stories of being refused service in, restaurants and when a nurse would not admit her husband into the hospital aft read more
This is the eighth in the "Bitches and Blaggards" series; posts devoted to my favorite movie bad girls and rogues. A bitch is a selfish, malicious woman. A blaggard is a villain, a rogue and a black-hearted man. Both are bad, both are devastatingly alluring. read more
“A Fool There Was” (1915) is a silent drama starring Theda Bara, Edward Jose, Mabel Frenyear, and May Allison. Directed by Frank Powell, this film was inspired by both the Rudyard Kipling poem, “A Fool There Was” and the Sir Philip Burne-Jones painting, “The Vampire.& read more
Theda checking in here.Yes - I admit I was a little out of shape. I looked into the mirror one day and I was not especially pleased with what I saw..
Things were starting to expand, if you know what I mean. It was most distressing!
It is not easy being a Vamp. Vamping consists mainly of lounging ab read more